The science of dreams; Most dreams are meaningless in nature
We sleep an average of eight hours. Sleep is a period of about two hours during which we dream.
This period of sleep is called a "dream". For a period of twenty, twenty minutes three or four times this period comes in our state of sleep. We dream only during this period. It is as if we have this dream for twenty minutes after every hour and a half during sleep throughout the night and then go into a deep sleep for an hour and a half. This process continues till morning. If our eyes open while dreaming, then we remember those dreams, otherwise the dreams seen throughout the night are forgotten by morning.
Why do people dream?
Scientists have been searching for the answer to this question for a long time. Some people believe that when a person sleeps, his consciousness also sleeps and since the unconscious is awake at that time, the thoughts, feelings or desires in the unconscious that are strong, cannot be fulfilled in the conscious life. She lifts her head and starts looking at the screen of the mind from unconscious angles. Perhaps that is why most of the events that happen in a dream are incoherent and confusing. The subconscious also has a corner lens that blocks out too many scary or vulgar scenes. In dreams, such events are shown in signs, sometimes when dreams are freed from this censorship, an exciting situation arises.
Some people believe that dreams are forerunners of future events, but Freud believed that they are not related to the future, but rather arise from our past experiences, memories and events. The importance of dreams in the context of religious and philosophical ideas and beliefs has always been present in our society.
From 200 BC to 500 AD, diseases were treated with the effects of regular dreaming in Greece. According to an estimate, there were about two hundred such religious buildings in Greece, with some rooms built where people would go to sleep at night after worshipping with the same expectation and hope that the dreams they had during sleep at night. In the light of its interpretation, the cure for their disease will be discovered or they will know how long they have to heal.
With this trust and belief people wished to be healed through regular dreams, so they had dreams in the face of intense emotions. Those who have good thoughts have good dreams and those who have bad thoughts have bad dreams and in the same way people were freed from diseases spiritually on the basis of these hidden abilities of the mind.
Such dreams are also seen in China, but in 350 BC, the famous Chinese philosopher Chong Tarnu considered life to be a dream as well. Similarly, some people living in Africa believe that when a person falls asleep, the soul temporarily leaves the body and wanders around, then returns to the body in the morning. According to them, the events that take place during the wanderings of the soul out of the confinement of the body are actually dreams. Yogis in India have the power to control their dreams. They can dream whenever and however they like to dream. In fact, these people become aware of the ability to gain conscious control through the unconscious.
In the state of dreams, man has faced many unnatural battles because dreams are born from the lap of our unconscious. The unconscious is a vast ocean of knowledge experience. This is the reason why sometimes the Prophets (peace be upon them) were informed about the upcoming situation in dreams that after seven years a famine would come and it would last for seven years. Sometimes dreams reveal many secrets of life. You may be surprised to hear that the German chemist Friedrich had been working on the structure of the molecule for many years but failed every time. One day he saw in a dream something crawling like a snake, and then the same snake-like thing put its tail in his mouth, then he felt as if the veil of death had suddenly been lifted, lightning flashed and he woke up. went. This is how Fredrick learned: Structure of benzene is enclosed in a carbon ring, and after that a revolution took place in the world of chemistry.
Similarly, at one time it was believed that the messages going from the human brain to the muscles are transmitted through electrical waves, but in 1930, a German physiologist proved that this work is not done by electrical waves but by chemical means. Scientist says that I was sleeping at night, that I had a dream, woke up after a while, wrote some notes in my book and made a map and went back to sleep. The next day I couldn't understand anything, but the next day I had the same dream again and I got the map of an experiment to prove my point in a new way. After that, Leogi proved his position and was awarded the 1936 Nobel Prize.
Many eminent artists have also combined pearls from the dream abode and spread the light of these pearls in our non-dream lives. Luhelm Black also used to paint on canvas while in a dream state. India's famous music master Naushad heard a tune in his dream one night and the next morning composed his own song "Awaaz De Kahan Hai" on it, which proved to be a hit. Does our day-to-day thinking affect our dreams? In answer to this question, it can be said that it is not only thought that affects, but the thought that includes worry and anxiety.
Its effects are definitely noticeable. It has been found that people who undergo surgery start having slightly different dreams a few days before the surgery and return to normal after a successful surgery. Because humans dream in REM sleep and this period of sleep is used to organise and coordinate our thoughts, ideas and thoughts. In this part, things to remember and intelligence etc. make their place in the brain because the rhythm on which the brain is working at that time is effective. This is the reason why the baby sleeps for a long time during his first two years when he first opens his eyes in the world. His sleep has longer periods of REM than NREM so that he can learn more, and after about a year this period starts to decrease again.
In my opinion, there are four types of dreams, in which most of the dreams are meaningless, but the waves running in your subconscious carve and find their way through the boundaries of some conscious parts and continue to decorate our eyelids. go Which can also have meaningful events.
It can also be arranged to quench the thirst of our hidden desires and sometimes our life filled with fear and mysterious stories we see on the canvas of sleep. The second type is those dreams that are instructive. Such dreams are meaningful. Our consciousness gives a lot of importance to the things and if for some reason we are not paying attention to these things, then the consciousness comes to us in our dreams through the unconscious, advises us, warns us and guides us in the right way. . In these dreams we can get a message indicating that we should do a certain thing or avoid doing it.
The third level of dreams is called the "creative" type. In this type of dream, the unconscious part of the brain becomes very calm to help its conscious part find a solution to a particular problem. Makes an image that doesn't exist, sets a poem that doesn't exist on a page.
By being the answer to the scientific problem, it protects from the confusion of life's complexities and sometimes becomes the reason for the unveiling of the mystery. If you turn the pages of history, you will find countless instances in which people have colored the reality of life through their dreams. I have already given you examples of this. This is how insulin and penicillin were invented. The fourth type of dream informs about the events that will happen in the future, just like the dream mentioned in the Holy Qur'an regarding Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) that there will be a famine in this region of Arabia in the coming seven years, etc. … Such dreams remain hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, but those who are spiritually closer to nature are more capable of seeing such dreams.
There is also a type of dream called Lucid Dream. This branch of the dream itself is very long and debatable, but I would like to briefly explain that these are the dreams that we bring to our eyelids by our own will, that is, to dream as we want to see. As I have mentioned earlier, many yogis in India learn the skill of such dreams by working hard day and night. Today, science is busy trying to stimulate the mind while it is asleep in such a way that the movie starts playing exactly according to our intention. Think how interesting it would be to do things that we would be unable to do in real life.
They will make them a means to fulfil their desires in the dream. See, the main difference between hallucinations and dreams is that you get the dream-like concept in your imagination but are unaware of the ability to experience it physically. For example, we will not be able to touch the wetness of the sea water, but you can feel the sea salt water seen in the dream in the palms of your hands. You feel everything from the heat of fire to the freezing of snow as if it were real. So Lucid Dreaming can have many benefits.
Another important thing in dreams is that the speed of events here is closer to the speed of light, which causes time to stand still, meaning that you spend years in a five-minute dream. From childhood to youth, one feels the ageing of one's skin layer by layer, and it is all happening physically. This is because the imaginary waves cause dreams to form in the brain. Their speed is equal to the speed of light.
As if we tell how many lives in a few dreams of the night. One of the many ways to have a lucid dream is to focus on a thought until you drift off to sleep. Beat yourself up, and falling asleep is also a condition of entering the REM stage of sleep as you fall asleep.
If this happens, our thoughts (in the part of sleep that is part of the dream formation) will be transformed into a dream and appear before our eyes with a vivid form as a result of our desires, fears or an emotional state. Maybe that's why sleep is very important for a human because that state can become a dream only in sleep. In this state of dream, many creative and rare ideas are born in his mind which later he can implement and live a successful life.